Keyword: christmas, fall cocktails, holiday cocktails, holiday drinks, mulled wine, mulled wine recipe, red hots, red wine, winter cocktails
Servings: 8servings
1bottle your choice of dry red wine(we used a Cab)
4cupsapple cider
2small oranges(one juiced & zested, the other thinly sliced)
3 to 4tbspmaple syrup(or honey)
2cinnamon sticks
8 to 10whole cloves
1tbspfresh, grated ginger
a hefty handful of Red Hots(or "Cinnamon Imperials")
a splash of your favorite whisk(e)y, brandy or port(optional...but delicious)
Combine all of the ingredients into a large pot (except for the orange slices) & bring to a low, slow boil.
Right as it starts to *lightly* boil, turn down the heat & carefully simmer it for at least 20 minutes, stirring regularly.
Make sure the candies & spices (minus the cinnamon sticks) completely dissolve, then you're ready to serve it up! Place an orange slice & optional splash of liquor in each mug before ladeling in the magic (& make sure the wine is turned down to the lowest of low settings, just to keep it warm).