Well Misfits, our favorite time of year is upon us once again.
That time of year when the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead begins to thin…along with the gap between our waistline and bellies (thanks a lot, trick ‘r treat candy).
Yes – it’s All Hallows’ Eve!
To some the scariest time of year – but to us…arguably the most freeing. When we can embrace the spooky vibes and let our freak flags truly fly. Whether it’s dancing in the moonlight, chanting spells of empowerment or getting wasted in drag at the West Hollywood Halloween parade – hey, to each their own!
But in all seriousness, this is a time to relish in traditions. Regardless if it’s carving jack-o-lanterns to ward off evil spirits; or dressing up in overpriced costumes ever since some genius decided to turn an abandon Toys ‘R Us into a Spirit Halloween store—traditions are what make Halloween special. As well as sacred.
So of course, we here at Misfit Living have our own set of traditions that we couldn’t be more excited to chill your souls with, too (just wait ’til you see the Pumpkittens!!!). But for now, I want to let you in on what’s probably our most favorite one.
Born out of the bowels of Reddit, this is the official, third-annual lineup for our 31 FOR 31 HORROR MOVIE MARATHON!
Although before you get ahead of yourself – no, this is not your AMC “FearFest” rip-off, and it sure as hell isn’t your Freeform “31 Days of Halloween.” For the past couple of years I’ve taken it upon myself to personally curate a collection of the all-time greatest (and not so great) horror films to binge-watch over the course of October.
So here’s what we have on tap for 2019:

Calendar graphic via Etsy
For this year in particular, we went with a couple of running themes that will be sure to leave you checking the corners of your apartment for a solid month straight.
Beginning with “the sequel.” Since we’ve been doing this ritual for two years now, it’s hard to fill every slot on the calendar with an “original” title, so we are doing a deep-dive into franchises that we hold near and dear to our cold, dead hearts. Starting with Saw II & Saw III, then moving on to Hell House, LLC II & Hell House, LLC III. Both series were spawned out of indie-horror darlings that fans could not get enough of, and while the sequels might not leave us biting our knuckles in the same ways at the OGs, they are bound to evoke some sort of resonant energies left behind from the first films.
Next up, since we here at Misfit Living also consider ourselves true feminists (NOT the modern-day kind that need safe spaces to comfortably express their feelings), we champion the Final Girl. The girl that when backed into a corner, she picks up the knife, gun, or any other easily accessible object to beat her assailant into a quivering mess of blood and bones.
We relish in seeing strong women overcome the nasty horrors of this world – and the other. Which is why we’ve additionally included hits such as Wes Craven’s grindhouse classic Last House of the Left; Tarantino’s Death Proof; Shudder’s original film Revenge; the waaaaay ahead of its time, pre-#MeToo masterpiece Teeth; and possibly the most meta-horror film of the last two decades Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon.
And of course from there, we also round things out with a solid mix of other classic horror genres, like witchcraft, body horror, vampires, monster movies, international horror, and more.
Image via Giphy
We look forward to keeping you updated on our progress throughout the month. Although full disclaimer: we have never fully completed the calendar.
However, we are feeling extra spooky, so severed fingers certainly crossed that this year will be different!
In the meantime, let us know some of your favorite Halloween traditions, and what horrifying movies you plan on watching between your fingers this month.
As always… stay scarier than the dark.
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