AT LAST, it’s here. The first ~official~ teaser for the eternity-in-the-making “TV series” Paradise City.
You know the one. The spinoff (I guess we’ll call it?) of indie film American Satan, which tells the story of a budding goth-rock band who dream of making it big, move to Los Angeles…& end up striking a deal with the devil to make it all happen. Which, for the record, goes exactly as well as you’d imagine/already know, since it’s really just a reinterpretation of Faust, the classic German legend.
But ever since the movie debuted in October of 2017, we almost immediately started to hear rumblings about the alleged series to follow. Little bits of news & photos would bubble up on the Internet here & there, but nothing ever surfaced that *really* proved anything. Fast-forward almost two years, announcements about casting & loose premiere dates arrived. Then this past Friday, the teaser!
So luckily we now have evidence that it does, in fact, exist. Although, that doesn’t mean we aren’t still left with SO MANY thoughts & questions.
Let’s discuss…
Talk about question of the century.
Despite the PC team constantly calling it a “tv show”, the jury’s still out on where the series will actually air. Commenters on Facebook have claimed everything from HBO & Showtime, to Netflix; however, no officially announcements have been made. Which as we now know makes sense, considering that whenever the trailer dropped several articles mentioned it was still up for sale by CAA. So we’ll see!
And on that note, the release date seems very TBD as well. Throughout this marketing journey, there’s always been a strong air of ambiguity. But as of December they’ve been saying 2020, so I guess that’s what we’ll go with for now.
Another big question I’m sure many had regarding the series is whether they were going to pivot & actually use leading star Andy Black/Biersack/Six’s real singing voice as he plays the fictional band’s frontman, Johnny Faust.
Because for years he was the lead vocalist for Black Veil Brides & now has his own solo project, I always found it interesting they opted to instead use the voice of Remington Leith from Palaye Royale for all of Andy’s character singing in the movie. But regardless, it’s been confirmed the Andy/Remington combo is back, so at least we can hope for another solid soundtrack?
This is more an observation than anything, but from what we know of the show so far, most of the cast members seem to fall into two main categories: musicians & ex-child stars.
We already covered Andy Black’s BG, but also starring in the series is Ben Bruce from Asking Alexandria, as well as Kellin Quinn from Sleeping With Sirens, Sid Wilson from Slipknot, Randy Blythe from Lamb of God, Javier Reyes from Animals As Leaders & supposedly more. Alongside them are also Bella Thorne, the late Cameron Boyce, Booboo Stewart & Michael Eric Reid—all of which have spent significant time on Disney Channel &/or Nickelodeon shows.
Too funny.
I personally hadn’t seen her since the ill-fated departure from season 6 of Total Divas after sketchily violating (not violating?) the WWE’s wellness policy, but clearly she’s up to a few things. Previously proclaiming that she wants to become “the female Rock”, it’s not surprising that acting is something she’s leaned into. However, something tells me Paradise City might not be big the breakout role she’s probably looking for…especially since she isn’t even mentioned in the cast lists included within most articles about the show. Ouch.
Only time will tell what this show actually chocks up to be. Judging by the trailer alone, it definitely *looks* cool, & seriously many props to Director/Producer Ash Avildsen & his team for independently financing it. So regardless of how it actually turns out, you best believe we’re going to be watching.
…whenever, wherever it ends up airing.
How are you feeling about it??
(( photos within feature image from @paradisecity ))
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