Have you ever come across someone & felt SUPER drawn to them? Not in a creepy, obsessive or love-at-first-sight kind of way. More like you’re just minding your own business when out of nowhere BAM — the energetic webs come shooting out of you like Spiderman.
What’s the deal? You ask. I only discovered who this person is like two seconds ago…
My theory? Life path numbers.
Now, as with most metaphysical/numerological/spiritual/woo woo-whatever stuff, this is all purely my opinion. In no way am I saying that this is how things ~absolutely~ are…nor am I peppering you to sign up for an 8-week online seminar to learn your destiny from my teachings at the end of this blog post (I mean no shame, I guess – those people have to eat, too).
No, we’re simply here dishing out some food for thought on this little old ancient concept. Largely due to its signature way of bringing clarity to a lot of life’s strangest happenings.
If you’re one to believe in that sort of thing, at least.
Unless you’ve been living it up with a head in the sand, you’ve inevitably heard of astrology. So in the same way that planets & zodiac signs are tied to certain personal traits & qualities, numbers are the same type of situation.
Because numbers are at literally every turn in life (think clocks, check-out registers, addresses…the list goes on), paying attention to them & what they potentially mean can help strengthen your understanding of the universe at large around you.
I know I know, that sounds like a lot just for paying attention to the price of a box of crackers. So boiling it all down even further – numerology can be used to reveal things like your greatest strengths, weaknesses, capabilities, tendencies & even your life’s greater purpose, too.
Mainly thanks to what’s called a life path number.
Similar to our astrological sun sign, our individual life path numbers provide even more context about who we are – & where we’re headed – based on what day we were born.
And since it’s all about pairing the whole date down to a single digit, what’s even more interesting is that digit & its characteristics ALSO tend to correspond with the major arcana card in the tarot deck it matches! As well as the LPN of people we sometimes find ourselves most drawn to.
Hence my little intro.
So let’s cut to the good stuff – how to actually calculate your own.
It’s quite simple, really. As we mentioned before, all you have to do is reduce your date of birth down to its root numerical value.
First, divide it up into three separate figures: the date value, the month value & the year value. So for example, if your birthday is December 15, 1979, you’d break down each of those components into a single-digit number.
The month of December (A.K.A. 12) boils down to 1 + 2, which equals 3.
The day boils down to 1 + 5, which equals 6.
The year boils down to 1 + 9 + 7 + 9, which equals 26. Then 2 + 6, which equals 8.
From there, you’d add each of those reduced values together, following the same technique until you reach the end-all single digit—i.e. the life path number! Which brings us to 3 + 6 + 8, equaling 17. Then 1 + 7, which equals 8.
Now word to the wise, there are a few exceptions. Primarily the numbers 11, 22 & 33, which are considered “master numbers”. Meaning, if you come across any of these in your calculations, just leave them as-is. They’ve long been revered as having powerful, intensified meanings all their own, so there’s no need to reduce them any further.
Because numerology is a practice that’s been around for THOUSANDS of years, consider this blog the basic of basics (of basics) when it comes to the ancient study. But since you’re now armed with the tools to figure out your very own LPN (if you didn’t already know it), then congratulations! You’re officially the horse that’s been lead to water, so now…go drink.
Knowing your life path number is one thing, but reading up on what it exactly (supposedly) means is a whole other story. However, the good news is there are hundreds of books & other online resources full of life path summaries that can help tell ya just that. Just ask Google.
So go forth & have fun learning the cosmos’ Magic 8 Ball prediction of your destiny! Once you start with the calculations, it’s honestly a little addicting. So try not to drive yourself too crazy trying to figure out the fate of every person you’ve ever come in contact with.
But whatever you do, definitely start with your cat.
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