Thirty hours of coding & a large pepperoni pizza later…THE NEW WEBSITE IS OFFICIALLY LIVE!!!!
I’ve never felt more like a character from Silicon Valley, but am SO excited about how the final product turned out. It’s bigger, brighter & just feels a lot more like us. So even though CSS is absolutely no joke, it was beyond worth all the blood, sweat & occasional tear to deliver what you see before you.
And as if THAT wasn’t exciting enough, we’re also happy to announce that our beret shop is finally open as well!!
If you’ve taken a peek on Instagram, then you may have seen that this product development process has been quite a ~journey~ as well. Although after about three months of workshopping & a supply of felt that could have outfitted half the North Pole, the core design has been finalized! And a fab four of fresh, 100% handmade designs are now available on Etsy.
Seriously, after all of this time these hats now feel like my children. My alien faced, space kitten, ouija planchette little spuds.

So I very much hope you enjoy them & am now off to further recover from that monster dose of blue light-laden eye strain.
Feel free to share your thoughts on whether you dig the new look! (And/or happen to be a CSS goddess & wanna throw a few life-changing tips our way)
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