Well tie a scroll to my foot and call me a pigeon—My Chemical Romance is BACK!
Seriously, talk about ~the~ moment we’ve all been waiting for. Ever since Gee & the guys made that fateful announcement back in March of 2013, the world has wept. Sure, it’s not like they were necessarily going to slink into the shadows indefinitely, but still! Music was going to be different. LIFE was going to be different.
Ok, well maybe not life. But the thought of them disbanding in a fairly official, very public capacity was pretty heartbreaking.
But we hoped. We plead. And eventually, the emo gods delivered. Because after almost seven years, Joe Jonas nearly blowing their cover & countless fan theories later…here we are. And if you’re just now catching up, here’s a little recap of everything that got us to this point:
Let’s be real, ever since they rose from the Ben Nye powder ashes this past Halloween to announce the initial December 20th reunion, we knew something was up. And when that now record-breaking show sold out in a matter of seconds – not that there were only 4,993 seats available that we’re still bitter about or anything – we all thought NO! That can’t possibly be *it*
Shortly after that came word of the Australian shows, the New Zealand show, the Japan show…then the England show (which sold out), the England show night #2 (which sold out), the England show night #3 (which sold out), the Ireland, Hungary, Italy, Germany & Russia shows………..THEN the U.S. tour.
All of which was artfully teased with cryptic post after cryptic post for about a solid month prior.
We had cloaked figures frolicking in the forest, flashes of the Danger Days car, staticky clips of the Demo Lovers & hoards of mysterious sigils that fans even took to Twitter for decoding. However, it thankfully wasn’t too long before we finally had some real answers.
Despite the rollercoaster of emotions that this entire charade put us through, this past Wednesday was THE DAY. The band posted a 13-minute, career-spanning homage video that totally connected the dots – & debuted all 18 American tour dates.
So there we have it, folks. Apparently all it took was the right summoning ritual. If we had only known, perhaps we could have nipped this epic wait in the bud years ago.
Regardless – My Chem is back, & we’re definitely not okay. But by “not okay” I mean we’re totally okay. In fact, we’re freaking peachy, because My Chem IS back.
And we can finally scream the songs to our little black hearts’ content – not only to our cats at three in the morning, but alongside the rest of the fans & the incredible souls who wrote them.
How are you feeling about it all?
P.S. Don’t forget to get your tickets today at noon local time !!!
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